- Assault on Innesmouth- a Cthullu based skirmish game which looked amazing, the pics don't do it justice, the houses all had their own lighting, and there was street lights and smoke. Not sure what the gist of the game was- loads of monsters and nasties seemed to be running about the streets chasing villagers, and of course Cthullu himself was standing off the seashore
2. Through the Mud and Blood- the new WW1 ruleset from the TwoFatLardies. Very much in the vein of Sharp Practice, I watched this game being played for a good 20minutes and it seemed excellent fun. Looking forward to giving the rules a whirl in our gaming group at some point in the future, especially now we have the 1938 British Civil War source book for it too.
3. John with a radio controlled 1/16th scale Tiger tank. I have used John for scale as he is roughly 1.5 times the width of a normal man.
4. This table looked great, some of the best snow and ice effects I have seen. The chap running it spent hours trying to explain the authenticity of the scenery (he had loads of photos from WW2 of the exact area and maps) but John and I were too excited by the lovely models to take any of what he was telling us in. The game he was running seemed to be a skirmish game where each player had 1 Russian partisan and they had to escape off the board from hordes of German patrols who were run by the GM. Looked very clever.
5. John again standing next to a life size Hello Kitty model.