Sunday, 18 October 2009

The End, Old Chap.

My Napoleonics project is done.

Well actually not quite, as I'm still awaiting a unit of light infantry for the French, but seeing as the Brits were done and I had the camera gear out I couldn't resist taking shots of both armies.

So here they are.

Ive really enjoyed painting them and researching uniforms and orders of battle. I wont pretend they are 100% historically accurate, or even close, but its near enough for me! Thanks to all the guys at Angel Barracks
forums for their support and motivation.

The last of my Brits (for now)

Well the project is done (for now- an army can never be too big can it?).

This is the last of the individual photos of completed models, and in the next couple of days I will take a picture of the whole army together.

First off here's the artillery- cannons, howitzers and horse artillery. Think I went a little too blue on the woodwork colour, but I cant be bothered to go back and change it now, plus it looks OK at arms length.

Next are the command stands.

The Duke of Wellington, old Big Nose himself, with some ADC's.

And last of all Sir Thomas Picton and his umbrella

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Showing off some of Firezone Studios work (and mine!)

Life Guards

Scots Greys

Here's the commission I sent out to Phil at Firezone Studios.

I had some spare slush funds in my Paypal account and at the time I was feeling snowed under with my Napoleonics project and had just painted my first batch of French cavalry and decided that I hated painting them. So I sent out all my British cavalry to Firezone, as I knew Phil from a couple of forums I hang out on and he seems a decent sort who paints in a style similar to mine.

So was it worth it? In a word yes.

Ironically after I sent them out I discovered that I did actually enjoy painting cavalry after all, but I just paint them a lot slower than my infantry, so having someone else do them for me at a very reasonable rate was worth it. Hes done a good, neat, basic job on them. Cant find any real criticism of them. One thing I may go back and do is add a highlight or two to them if I find the time, as hes pretty much base coloured them, and I like a nifty highlight or two on my 6mm, but its not a problem, I can definitely live with them as they are.

Phil's communication was excellent, lots of emails and works in progress shots sent to me. His price was pretty good too at 35p a cavalry figure, so all in all I am very pleased. He also got them all done and back to me within 2 weeks if I recall. I based them myself, but Phil will do that for you at a price.

Last of all, some of my own work. These are the 95th Rifles. and sorry Dave, if you are reading, I couldnt find one that looked just like Sean Bean!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Some local lads

My local(ish) lads.

The 1st Battalion 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot.

Quite proud of how these turned out. Also I think Ive nailed using the lightbox- for any camera nerds, the solution is setting the exposire compensation to over expose by 2 stops.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

First British Batallions finished

First up is the 32nd Cornwall Regiment of Foot, 1st Battalion and the 79th Cameron Highlanders, 1st Battalion, both of the 8th Brigade.

Im pleased with how these turned out, despite all the worry I had over the tartan on the Highlanders. Saying that its hard to notice the tartan, and I think the kilt effect is shown better by their bare legs and their sporrans than my attempt at showing a tartan in 6mm!

Now on to the 28th North Glos- my local regiment. They will be fun because unlike other foot regiments they retained their stovepipe shakos and the shakos had a unique back badge to symbolise their bravery in fighting back to back in Egypt.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Napoleons Legacy Battle Report.

Here's a game report from yesterdays game of Napoleons Legacy. Pics aren't up to much, particularly seeing as only one side was painted! It was a fun battle anyway and showcased the game for me and my friend.

I took Austrians.

I fielded 2 regiments of Fusiliers, 1 of Grenadiers, 2 of Jagers, 2 squadrons of Uhlans and 2 of Dragoons. I also had 3 batteries of howitzers. One Good commander and 1 average subordinate were the HQ choices.

My friend took French. He had 2 regiments of line, 1 light and 1 Old Guard. He then had 1 squadron of Hussars, 2 of light dragoons, 2 of cuirassers and 4 batteries of canons.

This is how we deployed

Austrians and French concentrated the majority of their line/fusiliers in the valley area along the road, pretty much in the centre of the board. Some sneaky Austrian Grenadiers reinforced the centre. The French found a sneaky hill top to set up 3 canons, and the remaining canon joined the Old Guard and light infantry on the right flank, hoping to rush to the small village and set up defences there. The cavalry were deployed on both flanks, apart from the Hussars who set up as a screen out front of the line infantry in the centre

The Austrians used their light infantry (jagers) and the majority of their cavalry opposite the French right flank to hope to contest the village and woods. The Austrians also put some uhlans on the left flank in order to fend off any flank attacks from the French dragoons. The Austrian howitzers were limbered up and deployed behind the hill that overlooked the road.

Turn 1

Both sides raced for the prize of the small village area, with the French making faster progress as their fighting columns proved quicker on the move than the Austrian light infantry.
The French line regiments were more cautious and decided to sit and wait to see what the Austrians would do. The Austrians keen to seize the initiative began a slow but steady march down through the valley and up the road hoping to find a good position to attack the main body of the French army. Unfortunately the Grenadiers mistook the Uhlans on their left flank for incoming French horses and panicked (I rolled a blunder on the command table!) forming square to receive a charge that was never to come!

Turn 2

The French main body started their steady and determined march to meet with the Austrians

The French cannons boomed shattering a squadron of Uhlans who in their panic fell back broken. Still the Austrians marched on, with the Grenadiers realising their earlier mistake and after slowly reforming they began to advance. The Jagers had managed to make it to the road in front of the village but found they had been beaten there by the Old Guard and the Light Infantry. They formed a firing line but it was futile as the well dug in French opened fire driving the hapless Jagers back in disarray and panic, leaving behind scores of dead. They also found the French had snuck a small battery of cannons onto the main road by the village and fell victim to some excellent French gunnery.

Turn 3

Things took a turn for the bloody for the poor Austrians. A regiment of Line infantry was decimated as 3 French artillery batteries opened up over and over again, leaving bloody furrows amongst its ranks. Overcome at so many dead the regiment dissolved in chaos and fled (at this point we had misread the artillery rules and they were the equivalent of tac nukes!- we realised after this turn but carried on with the board as it was, it was just a test game after all).

The Austrians main thrust was looking weak as the second fusilier regiment was forced to fall back under French fire. Only the Grenadiers were stalwart and continued their advance.

The Austrian howitzers now in position opened fire and decimated a French line regiment (again we over powered them!) , but the valley area was looking increasingly like it would see a French victory.

The village was still convincingly held by the French and the Jagers could do little more than fall back and reconsider. To their right opposing cavalry skirmished about to little effect, feinting and counter charging in a fine display of horsemanship for very little real result. A squadron of French hussars seeing a break in the field threaded down the road to pounce on the demoralised Jagers.

Turn 4 and 5

The increasingly confident French line in the centre of the valley threw themselves forward sure they could smash the lone regiment of Grenadiers , and their confidence proved correct. Excited by their victory as the broken Grenadiers fled over the bodies of their comrades, the French continued their advance towards the final Fusilier regiment at the mouth of the valley.

Their confidence was their undoing.

Suddenly the cliff tops and hillsides bordering the roads were thronged with Jagers and howitzers. Musket fire and case shot rained down onto the furthest forward regiment, causing utter carnage. As they fled, new targets came into sight and they too took a beating.

The Fusiliers sensing their moment surged forward with a roar and in a cloud of musket fire, charged into the disordered French smashing them apart. A unit of Jagers holding back in reserve behind the hillside joined them in their fight, and the central valley area was now well and truly Austrian.

Turn 6

The Jagers on the cliff top were short lived in their jubilation. The screen of Dragoons that were protecting their rear from any attacks by the squadron of French Hussars who were lurking around the village area decided that they had better things to do, and before the Jagers knew it the Hussars were on them hacking and slashing. Caught between the frenzy of the Hussars blades and the edge of the cliff there was only one outcome likely. The Jagers were cut to ribbons, and those who tried to flee tumbled to their doom down the rocky slopes and drops.

Not content with their slaughter the Hussars with a blood lust that overcame any sense, turned their attention to the howitzer batteries. Their first attack was repelled by a cloud of smoke and case shot tearing threw them, but their danders were up and they rallied and turned again on the artillery crew, and were soon among them. The guns were spiked and the Hussars again victorious.

Sensing the tide on the right flank turning, 2 squadrons of Cuirassers, who had been doing little decided to join the fray, charging the luckless Austrian dragoons, who seeing the sun glinting on the french breastplates thought better of it and fled.

Turn 7

With the right flank dissolving, the village securely held, and the central area held by the tattered remains of 2 regiments, the Austrians withdrew, leaving Napoleon once more the victor.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Le Fin. Peut-ĂȘtre.

Well the French are finished.

Well sort of.

I stupidly did not buy enough Light infantry figures to finish my regiment of light infantry and I wont be able to buy any more until Colours at Newbury racecourse in 2 weeks time. So the French are finished apart from that. Its a bit of an anti climax as I wanted to do some huge pics of all of them laid out in their glory, as I have done for my other armies, but I knew I couldnt live with myself if I left the Lights out.

So instead have a couple of pics of the finished command stands. Im not that happy with the pics of them to be honest- they look superb in the flesh (even if I do say so myself) but the pics make them look a bit of a big old mess. I guess its like taking a macro lens to a Monet (hark at he!).

Napoleons and a couple of Chasseurs a Cheval de la Garde escorts

Marshal Ney and a officer from the 1st Cuirasser regiment.

Now on to the Brits!

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Its Boney and Co!

Imperial Guard Grenadiers.

Ive swapped to the 1812 flag for these guys. Not sure if I will swap all my troops to 1812 pattern or just leave these with it, so that for gaming purposes they stand out more.


Really love these models- the crew are so detailed, one is even carrying a little bucket.

The man himself.

I love how not only is he slightly shorter than all the other general figures in the pack, but hes also got a big nose!

Saturday, 22 August 2009

French Update

Curaissers finally finished.

And heres some of the next batch- Grenadiers of the Old Guard. Lovely figures, really like the bearskins.

Hmm- I think I need to hoover my black cloth!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

French Light Cavalry

Pics of my finished light French Cavalry, based for either Polemos or Napoleons Legacy. Ive based them 6 to a base as opposed to 9 as the Baccus army packs are set up for. This is firstly to make light cavalry easier to spot quickly on the tabletop, and secondly because I am lazy and it means less to paint.!

Couldnt be arsed setting up my home studio, esepcially seeing as the light outside was pretty good, so I hope these pass muster.

First- 2 squadrons (in legacy or 3 brigades if Polemos) of Dragoons

And then 1 squadron of Hussars

WIP- French Hussars and Curriasers

Not a huge amoutn to say, other than heres my Hussars and Curraisers pre basing. All Baccus 6mm figs- they are so easy and detailed to paint.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

More French!

Thats the 3 regiments of Line done for my army. Well 3 regiments if playing Napoleons Legacy , 9 regiments if using it for Polemos Marchal D'Empire.

Ive decided I hate painting cavalry though- they just take me too long to do. With that thought in mind and some PayPal funds burning a hole in my pocket Ive just commisioned Phil from Firezone Studios to paint all my British cavalry for me. Hes an excellent painter and uses a very similar technique to me at 6mm, so I am hoping his painting wont look too different to mine, once I have based them up.

If you want to see a bigger pic, click here

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

WIP- French Dragoons

Anyway heres my first base of French Dragoons. Im using Baccus once again, and they are based on 60x30 bases. The Baccus packs are made up to have 9 on a base but I think that looks too crowded for Dragoons so Ive settled with 6. I might put more on the bases when I do heavier cavalry.

Obviously the bases arent finished yet, but I am reasonably happy how they turned out- 1 has a light tan coat added to the reins and halter etc, but to be honest I am not going to bother with those on future ones- I drybrushed the undercoated figs white before painting and thats done an OK job of picking out all the bridles etc.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

6mm French Line Infantry

Long time since I updated this blog!

Here's my current project- a French army of the Napoleonic era in 6mm, figures by Baccus. They are based on 60x30mm bases so that they are usable for Baccus' in house rule set, Polemos and my recent discovery thanks to the guys at Portbury Knights (Stefan in particular who also co wrote it), Napoleon's Legacy, a Warmasterlike game that covers Napoleonic warfare through to the end of the American Civil War (my next project I think!). Its a great little game, like most games based on Warmaster.

These Baccus frenchies have been hanging about on my to do list for about 2 years, so its nice to finally get some started. This is a Regiment of Line Infantry for Napoleons Legacy (6 bases= 2 Battalions). Ive mounted 24 soldiers to a base so it gives a great massed look. If I do ACW I will be doing it on 40x20 bases with less figures- save some time and money!

Saturday, 18 April 2009

WIP- War of the Ring: Army of Gondor.

Been hunting high and low on eBay for bargains in order to put together a force for the new War of the Ring rule set from Games Workshop.

Managed to pick up all sorts of cheap plastic miniatures for it, and now have a vast amount of troops to slog through. Here's hoping I don't get bored.

Anyway here's the first company of Warriors of Minas Tirith. Speed painted, took about 2-3 hours to completely finish, which for me is some sort of landspeed painting record.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

American Battlegroup 1944.

Its done.

6 weeks worth of work (I am not the fastest painter around and contrary to popular view about wargamers I do have some semblance of a life) and I have finally finished my US battlegroup.

Its about 3000 pts or so for Blitzkrieg Commander, and I have tried to keep things fairly historically accurate when it comes to the OOB. I say fairly, as I am sure there are lots of discrepancies, and I tried to balance historical accuracy with the points and restrictions of the BKC army list.

Armored Infantry Battalion

Anti-Tank Company

Armored battalion with AA support.

Battlegroup CO stand

Infantry HQ stands

Air Observer in gunless Sherman and Artillery Observer in Jeep

Hope you have enjoyed looking at them half as much as I have enjoyed painting them. Now I have got to get round to playing with them!

German Battlegroup is go.

I've got a few days off work and am putting them to good use (although I am not sure my wife would agree) by having finished my American battlegroup (lots of pics to come later tonight) and making a start on my new German battlegroup I picked up from Pendraken at Salute last weekend. Lovely models, although I can attest to the fact they don't take kindly to being dropped from 5ft up onto concrete. Scratch 1 Tiger. Oh well it was a good excuse to order some more bits from Pendraken for completeness sake.

Here's my first attempt, 3 Panthers and a Tiger. Fairly pleased with the attempt at camo schemes - they do look better in real life than in the pics, which make the camo look a little less subtle than I think it does in real life. They are also yet to be weathered ( Iknow how some of the guys on the BKC forum love their muddy tracks!) as I have left my tub of Basetex at my mates house after spending therday there painting and gaming yesterday. :(

Decals are a mix of Dom's Decals and some I got from an eBay shop called 1/144 Direct.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Salute Pics

Some quick and dirty pics from Salute taken with my phone cam, hence the terrible quality. Next year I think I will spend the morning shopping and the afternoon taking pics with my proper camera and flash unit.

  1. Assault on Innesmouth- a Cthullu based skirmish game which looked amazing, the pics don't do it justice, the houses all had their own lighting, and there was street lights and smoke. Not sure what the gist of the game was- loads of monsters and nasties seemed to be running about the streets chasing villagers, and of course Cthullu himself was standing off the seashore

2. Through the Mud and Blood- the new WW1 ruleset from the TwoFatLardies. Very much in the vein of Sharp Practice, I watched this game being played for a good 20minutes and it seemed excellent fun. Looking forward to giving the rules a whirl in our gaming group at some point in the future, especially now we have the 1938 British Civil War source book for it too.

3. John with a radio controlled 1/16th scale Tiger tank. I have used John for scale as he is roughly 1.5 times the width of a normal man.

4. This table looked great, some of the best snow and ice effects I have seen. The chap running it spent hours trying to explain the authenticity of the scenery (he had loads of photos from WW2 of the exact area and maps) but John and I were too excited by the lovely models to take any of what he was telling us in. The game he was running seemed to be a skirmish game where each player had 1 Russian partisan and they had to escape off the board from hordes of German patrols who were run by the GM. Looked very clever.

5. John again standing next to a life size Hello Kitty model.